A Boutique Fixed Income and Equity Asset Manager
Corbyn Investment Management provides investment management services through separately managed accounts, as well as two mutual funds: Greenspring Income Opportunities Fund (GRIOX) and Cromwell Greenspring Mid Cap Fund (GRSPX). Corbyn’s niche is investing in higher-yielding, short-duration bonds and value-oriented equities.
Investment approach
Throughout its history, Corbyn’s mission has remained constant: to provide attractive, but less volatile, investment results. We carefully comb through the investment universe, working to identify those individual short-duration, high-yielding bonds and value-oriented equities that meet our stringent valuation analysis.
At Corbyn, we believe purchasing securities at discounts to our estimated value helps to minimize portfolio volatility and preserve capital, which is critically important during market turbulence. Our emphasis on minimizing volatility helps clients achieve their long-term investment goals by reducing the anxiety often associated with staying invested during challenging market conditions.

Investment strategies
We offer a broad spectrum of strategies designed to meet your specific investment objectives, including fixed income, value equity, and mixed-asset strategies. Our goal has always been to produce attractive returns, with less volatility, over an entire market cycle.
Fixed Income
Our fixed income strategies employ a conservative approach to the higher-yielding segment of the corporate bond market, seeking consistent, attractive risk-adjusted returns while preserving capital and limiting volatility.
Value-Oriented Equity
We target well-capitalized companies with significant free cash flow, strong management teams, and company-specific catalysts and/or secular tailwinds, priced at discounts to our measures of value.
Blended Strategies
These offerings combine our fixed income and equity strategies to create a customized portfolio designed for the client’s risk tolerance and long-term goals, with the goal of generating capital appreciation along with steady income.
We are an employee-owned independent investment management firm
Headquartered in Baltimore, MD
Founded in 1973
Strategies Managed: 8
Mutual Funds: 2
Clients We Serve:
Individuals, institutions, businesses, and non-profit organizations
Strong Partnerships:
We partner with registered investment advisors, making our investment strategies and custom solutions available for their clients.
Our primary goal in every new relationship is for clients to firmly understand our investment process and philosophy. When our clients’ objectives are well aligned with our goals as investment managers, the foundation for a strong, long-term relationship is firmly in place.
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